#include <fdaPDE/finite_elements.h>
#include <fdaPDE/linear_algebra.h>
using namespace fdapde;
int main() {
// useful typedef and constants definition
constexpr int local_dim = 2;
using PointT = Eigen::Matrix<double, local_dim, 1>;
Triangulation<local_dim, local_dim> unit_square = Triangulation<2, 2>::UnitSquare(60);
unit_square.mark_boundary(/* as = */ 0);
unit_square.mark_boundary(/* as = */ 1, /* where = */ [](const typename Triangulation<2, 2>::EdgeType& e) {
return (e.node(0)[1] == 0 && e.node(1)[1] == 0) || // bottom and top side of unit_square
(e.node(0)[1] == 1 && e.node(1)[1] == 1);
unit_square.mark_boundary(/* as = */ 2, /* where = */ [](const typename Triangulation<2, 2>::EdgeType& e) {
return (e.node(0)[0] == 1 && e.node(1)[0] == 1); // right side of unit_square
// Taylor-Hood stable finite element pair
FeSpace Vh(unit_square, P2<2>); // velocity component
FeSpace Qh(unit_square, P1<1>); // pressure component
TrialFunction u(Vh);
TestFunction v(Vh);
TestFunction q(Qh);
// bilinear forms
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> A = integral(unit_square)(dot(grad(u), grad(v))).assemble();
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> B = integral(unit_square)(q * div(u)).assemble();
// assemble 2x2 mixed elements block system matrix
SparseBlockMatrix<double, 2, 2> M {A, B.transpose(), B, ZeroBlk(B.rows(), B.rows())};
// forcing term
MatrixField<2, 2, 1, decltype([](const PointT&) { return 1; })> f_;
Eigen::Matrix<double, Dynamic, 1> F = Eigen::Matrix<double, Dynamic, 1>::Zero(M.rows());
F.topRows(A.rows()) =
(integral(unit_square)(dot(f_, v)) + integral(unit_square.boundary(/* on = */ 2))(dot(f_, v))).assemble();
// enforce boundary conditions
auto& dof_handler_ = Vh.dof_handler();
ScalarField<2, decltype([](const PointT&) { return 0; })> gx;
ScalarField<2, decltype([](const PointT&) { return 0; })> gy;
dof_handler_.set_dirichlet_constraint(/* on = */ 1, /* data = */ gx, gy);
dof_handler_.enforce_constraints(M.block(0, 0), F.topRows(A.rows()));
// solve FEM system
Eigen::SparseLU<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> solver(M);
Eigen::Matrix<double, Dynamic, 1> solution = solver.solve(F);
return 0;